
Georgia Stroope
4 min readApr 7, 2022
Photo by cottonbro

I ate the poison apple. I ate the whole fucking thing. The funny part is it even tasted poison. If you want to know what poison tastes like, imagine the smell of a dead body and put that smell on your taste buds. But I ate it because I fucking paid for it.

And then I laid on my tiny dusty bathroom floor and waited for my prince charming to kiss me, break the spell, and fix the pain from the poison shit I ate.

Only, that kiss tasted like puke. It tasted like pure bile and cheap poison beer-battered fish. And it didn’t help a fucking thing.

I ordered beer battered fish from a local restaurant on an unassuming Sunday afternoon. It came out in 2 pieces in the shapes of giant triangles. The gooey batter peeled away from the fish as I tore it open and the tartar sauce was full of curdled lumps. It tasted like a dead fucking body and I ate it. What the fuck was I thinking?

I walked into the door of our apartment and made a beeline for the bedroom. My voice trailed behind me “I just need a little nap I think”. I felt like I had been zapped in a microwave science box. Every ounce of energy was gone. Half an hour later, I woke up and my stomach was an inflated balloon. Every muscle in my body ached. Here, here for my entire body coursing with intense pain.

I turned on the faucet and dumped handfuls of Epsom salt into the filling tub. I…



Georgia Stroope

Most people describe me as weird. Wildly introverted millennial writing about whatever life throws my way.